Friday, October 28, 2011

Dapper Dog

I got around to finishing yet another project that I have been putting off.

It's not that the world would end if I didn't do these projects, it's just that thinking about them keeps me (and therefore, my hubs) up at night.

I've been wanting to make Taz (my adopted son) a cute bow tie collar ever since I got him about two months ago. And I finally made it!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Doggone Cute!

Did you know my husband and I adopted a child?

We had talked about adoption over the years, so when the opportunity arose to take in a sweet little one we took it.

And we're in love.

Without a doubt.

For real.


This is Taz.

He melts my heart and digs belly rubs. Pun totally intended.

He helps me clip coupons.

And he doesn't mind that I shamelessly exploit the "weiner dog thing."

Sweet little Taz inspired part of my latest crafty project.

I was in a crafting mood the other day. Glue gun in hand, I couldn't be stopped. I was like Mario with the star. . . except I wasn't pouncing on mushroom men, but on projects I had been putting off.

Remember the creepy kid picture I scooped up at a yard sale for a buck a while back? If not, reminisce with me here.

Time to put the creepy kid to rest with a little paint.

Back to the Taz.

Inspired by his amazing cuteness (not a proud parent at all, eh?) and this Ballard Designs art. . . 
 I whipped up this puppy. Yep, another pun.

Then I made the mistake of visiting Anthropologie's website. My head almost exploded.

I was inspired by this:

And this:

And this:

All of which manifested in the form of this:

FYI, all of the frames were purchased from yard sales or thrift stores. The "tree art" frame is also mentioned in the "Goodwill Hunting" post linked above.

I love this gossip bench because it belonged to my great-grandmother. The large green glass hobnail vase and the small light green dish were purchased from a thrift store. The small dark green vase was given to my grandmother when she graduated high school in the 50's. Lots of history tucked in this little nook!

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Depends Moment. . .

I went thrift shopping yesterday.

And I had one of those moments.

You know, one of those moments when you wish you would've put on your depends that morning.

I was walking through the store, casually looking for a bargain or two when I found these:

Shut the front door.

Four bucks and they were mine. A good day. A good day, indeed!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Anthro Lamp Shade Knockoff

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I'm completely obsessed with everything Anthropologie.

I love to walk through Anthro stores and wipe my chin as I gawk at their awesomeness.

Oh, and then there's the part when I pass out after peeking at their price tags.

I'm especially drawn to their nifty home decor--specifically, their lighting. So I thought I'd attempt to replicate one of their lamp shades.

So, let's shed some light on the subject, shall we?

Here's Anthro's version:

Yep, for $88.00 this lovely shade can be yours. . . or you can follow my tutorial and make one for next to nothin'. I thought you'd be interested. Read on, friends. Read on.

Oh, before we get started, here's how the lamp looked before its "Anthrozation." I think I paid about $3 for it (lamp and shade) at a thrift store. Not too shabby, eh?

Now, find some awesome fabric that you want to use to cover the shade. Almost any fabric will do. Just keep in mind that the color of the shade will likely show through your fabric. I actually used a sheer curtain panel from a thrift store. Price? $1. Holla. Cut the fabric into strips. I cut as many bad boys as I could get out of my curtain panel. 

Now get out your handy dandy glue gun . . .

. . . and glue one end of the fabric strip down on the inside of the shade as pictured above. Get it? Got it? Good. Movin' on.

Bunch your fabric and glue down in a random ruffle pattern. The beauty in this project is that you really can't mess it up! Ruffle away, peeps!

Keep moving vertically with this pattern until you cover the entire shade. 

And your finished product should look something like this:

Booyah, Anthro!

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